Our achievements

The Foundation has contributed to the financing of many projects within the college community by investing more than 485,000 $ since 2007, such as :
- Trips and industrial or educational visits
- sports projects
- Acquisition of equipment for sports
- Cultural and thematic activities
- Projects related to a field of studies
- And more!
Who can submit a project? All staff members as well as the management of each campus can submit an application.
Students wishing to present a project must be sponsored by a staff member. The latter then has the task of presenting the request for funding.
To submit a project, please complete the application form before September 20.

Bourses de la Fondation
La Fondation distribue une grande variété de bourses, annuellement, dont :
- 35 bourses de la persévérance, lors de la Semaine de la persévérance scolaire (100 $ et 250 $);
- Six bourses Serge-Rondeau – Amélioration du rendement scolaire (500 $);
- Huit bourses Cornélius-Brotherton – Dépassement de soi (500 $);
- 15 bourses d’immersion (500 $);
- Cinq bourses de bienvenue destinées spécifiquement aux jeunes entre 16 et 25 ans qui s’inscrivent au DEP à l’ÉPAQ (500 $).
Scholarships for end-of-year galas
Each campus of Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles pays tribute to its graduates by organizing an end-of-year gala.
Several scholarships are awarded, thanks to the generosity of businesses and organizations in the region.
- Program scholarships
- Perseverance scholarships
- Involvement scholarships
- Commitment scholarships
- Improvement scholarships
- Excellence scholarships
- Specific program scholarships
- Randomly drawn scholarships

Let us know about your involvement!
You are a student who stands out in particular through his or her commitment, his or her involvement at Cégep or elsewhere, do not hesitate to fill out the form that you will find on the Student area of the Cégep de la Gaspésie and the Islands.